In addition to selling my handmade weaving and jewelry on my website, I also sell at regional juried arts and crafts shows. I thought it would be easier for potential show customers to immediately understand that some of the weaving was baby blankets if they were displayed with a baby.
So I went to the old toy chest upstairs and dragged out the Raggedy Ann & Andy I’d made my children decades ago. (As an aside, if you only have Raggedy Ann at your house, can you be sure it’s really her & not Andy in drag?) As you might imagine, they were both quite dirty. I brought them to the Queen of Hand Laundry, Margaret. Although she made much progress, the dolls weren’t presentable for my sales table.
So Bunny came out next. My mother made Bunny for my daughter many years ago, but since Amanda was already 11 when Bunny arrived at our house, she didn’t get dragged around much, or accidently stomped on with muddy shoes, or any of the other things that make a stuffed animal look well loved. But still, Bunny’d been in the closet for many years, and needed time and attention if she was to meet and greet the public.
Margaret got first crack, but decided that she wasn’t willing to take any chances with Bunny, and returned her after just a vacuuming.
That’s when Bunny went for her spa day.

Bunny's Pilates Sunshine Stretch
First she had an exfoliating scrub, followed by a facial peel. (Read: wash her face gently with an almost dry, lightly soaped washcloth, then rub it with a slice of lemon.) Her ears got more attention, getting a full aural massage, followed by their own chemical peel. (Read: scrub them with soap & water to eliminate some stains, followed by the lemon rub.) Now Bunny was ready for a big strctch in the sunshine over the newest thing since Pilates balls – the white draped back bender.
 Of course, Bunny had a mani-pedi, full body massage, and relaxed in the lounge with some herbal tea in a big, fluffy robe while she waited for her clothes to get their own royal treatment.
While in the lounge, Bunny was surprised to see Raggedy Ann on her way to the yoga class. They got to chatting, and decided to compare tats. Bunny wasn’t happy that Ann’s was much clearer than hers, but there was nothing she could do about it. Ann was running late, so off she went right after this photo.
Bunny’s now ready to be the mistress of sales, drawing in shoppers and getting them to feel how soft and cuddly the baby blankets are. I’m not sure how much she enjoyed her moment in the sun, but I’m certain Bunny’s enjoying this 15 minutes of fame. If you see us at any of the shows I’m doing this season, stop by and say hello to both Bunny and me.
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