Last month I made the contest too hard, discouraging some folks. So this month it’s MUCH easier!
All you have to do to enter is leave me a comment, telling me what’s delighting you this spring. Choose your sweetie, the weather, your budding garden, our new President, anything! Give me a bit of insight into your choice, and your name will be entered into a random drawing.
You can certainly leave me more than one comment, but your name will only be entered into the drawing once.
I’ll collect all the commenters’ names on May 25, put them into a hat (ok, it’ll probably be a bowl, or a basket, or a vase, but it’ll work just the same) and pull the winner’s name. I’ll notify you (the winner) by email, and will post your first name and city.

Handmade Sterling Earrings
So comment away!
I enjoyed learning about the different stones and their healing powers. Also seeing the way you turned these stones into an AWESOME piece of jewelry. I’ve been told it’s hard to do but I just wish you had more earrings with lever backs(or whatever name is used for them now.)
I am delighed this Spring with how full all the flowering trees and bushes are and the great smells they are producing!
Valerie –
I’m so glad that everyone liked the talismans! Gemstones have wonderful healing properties. I’m in the process of figuring out how to get the old posts from my blogspot site transferred to here; in the meantime, if you want to learn more about gemstones healing properties, check out my old posts at http://www.healing-gems.blogspot. com.
Enjoy your family!
Abundant sunlight, the emergance of green, and my nephews upcoming graduation where I will get to see ALL of my family! The talasmans I bought for others at the routes to the arts were loved by those receiving them (I even got hugs from daughters!)
It’s great that you’ll be with your family soon, Deb. Thanks for the comment!
Hi Peg, What is delighting me this Spring? Well, lets see. 1) Knowing that my daughter, who lives in Myrtle Beach, SC, may be coming to NY for a visit in a couple of weeks. I only get to see her once a year because of the distance. 2) Also knowing that in a week or so my in-laws, whom I love very much and live in Florida, will be coming to NY to stay for the summer months. My mother-in-law has alzheimers so we don’t know how much longer she will remember us. So far, that is about it. It was good seeing you again.
Thanks, everyone for your comments. Hearing what makes you happy increases my happiness. It’s particularly delightful on those days when I need to smile more.
Tracy – What kind of puppies do you have, and how many?
Only a few days left before this month’s contest ends, so keep your fingers crossed!
What’s delighting me this spring? Spring green, daffodils, birds all aflutter, my puppies scampering together, my wonderful family, my friends, and this lovely new pair of earrings I picked up on Routes to Art yesterday! Thanks for those, Peg!
I am always delighted (but not surprised) at the number of talented craftspeople in this County. Cudo’s to you.
…THESE fantastic earings…(spelling mistake).. :p
Hi! Especially this spring I ‘m so in love with all the daisies and poppies that are all over the place (here in Athens) and I like seeing them while driving to the sea.
Also from now I ‘m so in love with this fantastic earings 😉 I also had a pick at your other designs..hehe…they are fabulus!