Last month I made the contest too hard, discouraging some folks. So this month it’s MUCH easier!
All you have to do to enter is leave me a comment, telling me what’s delighting you this spring. Choose your sweetie, the weather, your budding garden, our new President, anything! Give me a bit of insight into your choice, and your name will be entered into a random drawing.
You can certainly leave me more than one comment, but your name will only be entered into the drawing once.
I’ll collect all the commenters’ names on May 25, put them into a hat (ok, it’ll probably be a bowl, or a basket, or a vase, but it’ll work just the same) and pull the winner’s name. I’ll notify you (the winner) by email, and will post your first name and city.

Handmade Sterling Earrings
So comment away!
The best spring day was a day like yesterday: the lawn freshly mowed, the flower gardens freshly edged and weeded, the evening beginning with a cloudless blue sky and the air crystal clear, the trees fresh with their bright green leaves, the grill smoking with barbeque ribs, and my family close by enjoying the remains of the day. It’s difficult to go back to work after such a great weekend!
Thanks for the compliments, Charlene.
Are you looking for clip-on earrings? I can make these upon special request and with some time lead – just let me know what you’re interested in!
this works for me.