

My last show was really marvelous. In addition to a few odds and ends, I sold an amazing 9 shawls and 21 scarves. WOW! So now I need to weave more things so I’ll have plenty of stock for my next shows. Fortunately I have until mid-September to prepare. But being a good obsessive-compulsive, I got on a tear and decided to weave up some rayon chenille shawls. I got smart and realized that my life would be much easier if I warped for only 2 shawls, not 3, given the challenges I always have when beaming wide rayon chenille warps.

In the last few days I got 2 shawls on and off the loom and wet finished. I’m calling them Warning for the Jenny Joseph poem. So first I wove Warning with a purple weft.

rayon chenille shawl-Warning purple

I loved it! I was sure I wouldn’t like the burgundy weft nearly as much, but as it turned out, I was wrong.

rayon chenille shawl: Warning-red

I think I like it even more.

Although the colors are more accurate in their individual photos, here’s a comparison of the two.

rayon chenille shawls: Warning comparison

After the saturated colors of these two shawls and the recent At The Lake series, I decided I should do something in more muted earth tones, so warped for 2 more shawls. Here’s the first one one the loom…sorry I managed to cut off the right side of the warp, with a gradient from the coral-y orange to an orange-y brick. But at least the colors are pretty accurate in this photo.
rayon chenille shawl: Earthtones

I ordered black rayon chenille and am going to weave a warp of 2 rainbow shawls when these earthy ones come off the loom. I don’t think I’ve woven any for at least 2 years, maybe more. Then I’m going to be done with rayon chenille shawls. At least I think so… 😉

6 comments to Restocking

  • Dear Peg
    I was so glad to see your comment on my website. It’s been a long time!
    I love these shawls, and I am happy to hear that the shows are going so well.

  • Peg Cherre

    Alma – I’m with you on that: the 1st, no the 2nd, no the 1st. I’ve done rainbow shawls before, but not for a few years. Regarding black & white, I’ve done some all black and all white, plus my cityscapes and keyboard scarves, but I haven’t done anything else with them………so many ideas, so little time!

    Lynda – Thanks, and nice to hear from you again.

    Theresa – Outdoor shows are so weather dependent, as well as customer dependent. I lucked out on both counts in July. I’ve heard such mixed messages for the September show…only time will tell.

  • How could one chose since they are all so lovely. And congrats on a very nice show. Smart buyers, quality sells. Happy weaving.

  • Both are spectacular color schemes. I adore them as well as the earthy-tones.

  • Alma

    I like the first one – no, the second – no, the first – no, the Do you get the message that I like them both very much!

    Rainbow shawls should be lovely. Have you done much with black and white in rayon chenille?

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