
More towels

I worked really hard today & got the rest of HR’s custom wrap woven. Tomorrow I’ll start on YF’s sister wrap.

Back when I was hemming those baby blankets, I thought I might as well hem the towels. As the days passed I got them washed, dried, and pressed.

I wove 10 towels, 2 of them duplicates. Here are 4 white towels with colored borders.

white towels with borders

And 4 colored towels with contrasting borders.
colored towels with borders

It will be really interesting to me to see which group of towels – these or the gemtone ones – generate more interest and sales at my upcoming shows.

3 comments to More towels

  • Judy T

    All VERY lovely Peg! It’ll be fun watching them at your next show.

  • I’m voting for the colored towels with contrasting stripes. I love them and hope someday to be able to have some in my kitchen.

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks, Lynda. They are a very simple 4 harness straight twill. Have you woven any towels? They’re a great thing to make…for yourself and for gifts. Although lots of people use the homestead cotton from Halcyon yarn, I find the Maurice Brassard unmercerized cotton easier to work with, especially when beaming, and deliciously soft.

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