
Happy Spring!

Today is the first day of spring, the vernal equinox. You couldn’t tell it from our weather of the past few days.
spring creek

We have had every kind of weather for the past two days. Sunshine, gray skies, light snow, wind, heavy snow with little visibility. Often changing from one to the other within minutes. In the past 24 hours I had almost 6″ of snow fall at my house, necessitating another call to my plow guy.
shovel & snow pile
Granted, some of this snow mound was leftover from before, not having melted despite the gorgeous warm weekend we had, but it sure didn’t look like this till I got home from work today. I set the shovel there so you could get a sense of how high the mound is.

At some point today the meter reader trekked through it all to get to my electric meter.
meter reader's tracks

I’m sure I was just one of many houses at which he had to do this. Glad it’s not my job.

As always, after work Red & I went for a walk. The intermittent sun had done a great job of melting the bits of snow and ice left on the road by the plow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen quite this configuration of melting muddy ice before.
sea sponge muddy ice
It looks exactly like a sponge to me. Not an O-Cel-o cellulose sponge that you buy at the grocery store, but a real sponge, a sea sponge, one that you might see in an artist supply store.

Red’s face looked like this often this winter.
Red's snow face
For reasons known only to him, Red needed to bury his face in the snow every time he went outside all winter long, often licking the snow. This was not a typical behavior in prior years. What is typical in conditions like today is that his poor furry feet get totally clogged with snowballs.

We headed back home, walking in the bright sunshine. As soon as I rounded the curve to reveal a distant view I could see that it was snowing like mad on the hillside less than 1/2 mile away.
distant snow

Now trust me, I am not complaining about the remaining cold & snow. After the ugly consequences of last year’s early spring, postponing the the warm temps is fine with me. I’m hoping it’ll also make for a good maple season this year.

In case you hadn’t guessed from seeing lots of outdoor pictures, I’ve received the Eneloops batteries I ordered, and they are swell. Infinitely better than either my old rechargeables or the regular non-regchargeable AAs. Perhaps the batteries I buy at the grocery store are old and weak because I live in such a rural area. In any case, I’m really happy with the Eneloops.

Your turn: What was the vernal equinox like where you live? Remember, you still have about 10 days to leave me a comment and get your name entered into my blogiversary giveaway.

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