
November beauty

Although the people in NYC & NJ would surely disagree, I am so thankful for our November weather. We’ve had way more than our share of warm, sunny days. Sure it gets cold at night, but it might be troubling if it didn’t.

Except for the oaks which hang onto their brown leaves through much of the winter, most of the other deciduous trees are bare…and have been for at least a month. So their beauty rests in their angularity – the straight lines and the shadows.
bare trees and pond

Some of my trees have really wonderful exfoliating bark, like this Heritage river birch.
River Birch bark

Meanwhile, one of my Bradford pears remains in full color. Quite unusual…and beautiful.
Bradford pear in November

My show last weekend was quite the display challenge – instead of the usual 10′ x 10′ my space was a grand total of 48 square feet – less than half of the standard. And most of it was 4′ deep. Yikes! Thanks to graph paper, a mostly sleepless night when my brain wouldn’t shut off, and a terrific sister, we made the space look great. Of course I didn’t take a picture of it, so you’ll have to take my word for it.

The show went well with a reasonable amount of sales. Although if I had my druthers shows would never have Friday night hours. I sold my two Rainbow shawls – both short and long – and also a Silver Linings shawl, all in rayon chenille. Unfortunately I apparently never took a photo of it. Too bad, ‘cuz I really liked it. I also sold my remaining eggshell cotton huck lace shawl. I can’t make enough of these or the Rainbows.

I have another show in about 10 days and want to have more rayon chenille shawls and scarves, but I have limited time and a few special orders to make. So once again it’s prioritize, prioritize, prioritize.

First I wove an eggshell cotton lace infinity scarf, then set the loom up for two shawls. I need a break from Rainbows for a while, so decided on mostly silver with some random stripes of color.
silver striped shawl on loom

It’s taken a while to get to this point, but now I’m ready to thread heddles and reed. Not sure if I’ll be weaving on it tonight or tomorrow morning — I’m not celebrating Thanksgiving till Sunday (it’s just how things worked out).

Regardless of whether you’re celebrating with a huge extended family or a small gathering of friends, on Thursday or some other day, I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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