
A Day in the Life of Looms

Meg, over at Unraveling, has a tradition I just found out about, and I love it so am joining. She encourages people around the world to show what’s on their looms on New Year’s Day. I decided to go from my largest loom to the smallest.

First is my naked 8H Macomber, a jack loom. Its first project for this year will probably be my towels for the towel exchange. I’m looking forward to it, and plan to get to it when I’ve completed the custom weaving orders I have.
naked Macomber loom

Next is my beloved little 4H counterbalance. It’s starting the year weaving eggshell cashmere-silk yarn in a pattern of graduated Swedish lace blocks as one of those custom orders. (More on this in the next post.)
eggshell lace on loom

Last is my little LeClerc rigid heddle. I warped it before my last show to try out some small pickup designs. (More on this in the future.)
rigid heddle trees

Thanks for the inspiration, Meg!

Your turn: if you’re a weaver, join the fun. If you’re not, start a meme of your own.

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