
Halloween socks

I don’t dress up for Halloween, but last night I wove in the yarn ends so I could wear these brand new socks today in honor of the occasion.

Catsup, ketchup, catch up

Homonyms can be fun. While everyone wouldn’t pronounce catsup, ketchup, and catch up exactly the same, they sound pretty darn similar when they come out of my mouth. 🙂

So this post is to catch up on some things that are a bit newer than Christmas, but not really new. And not necessarily in the […]

Christmas in February

No, I’m not celebrating Christmas now, I’m simply getting around to posting all the gifts I made for Christmas. Well, most of the gifts. I forgot to take pictures of a couple.

I had to mail the presents for my niece and her family. She got 4 wool dryer balls and 2 cotton potholders.


Some weaving progress

For the last few weeks I’ve been spending lots of hours in front of my computer. Not my favorite way to spend my time, but needed right now.

I’m back to working on my Certificate of Excellence (COE), and in addition to 40 woven samples, it requires lots of written work, too. I feel like […]

Dyeing experiments

I’ve heard about dyeing with koolaid but hadn’t tried it. Then I read Karen’s post about speckle dyeing, and figured I’d try it on something small first. I’d recently finished knitting these socks. Very nice, but all white.

So I read a bunch of online how-tos, then went to the store and got […]