
Give me your input on color

I have some wonderful yarn from Finger Lakes Yarn I’ll be dyeing very soon. I think I’ll attempt to dye in the colorway of one of the attached images. Wanna give me your input?

Susan Pogue dyed these, and took the great photo. Thanks, Susan!


Molly McLaughlin workshop

As planned, last week I took a 2-1/2 day workshop with Molly McLaughlin. Titled Painting with Fiber, this is obviously an area in which Molly is a total master. Again, here’s an image of one of her gallery pieces.

In my earlier post about this workshop, you saw my Missouri loom set up with […]

Simple pictures are best

About a million years ago when I taught preschool, I remember reading this book to the kids. I was surprised to see that I’d used this same photo back in 2012, and that I’d commented then that I often forget this lesson. Well, I forgot it once again.

Back in August I hand painted […]

Autumn work & show report

Two years ago I found a recipe online for making apple butter in a crockpot. Apple butter was a favorite of my mom’s and therefore holds some nice childhood memories for me, but I was never willing to put in hours and hours over an open fire or constant attention in the oven. So crockpot […]

Flying by

Time is flying, and so were my fingers! How did it get to be time for the Weavers’ Guild Holiday Sale already?!?!

It really snuck up on me. It’s always the first weekend in November, but that often is later in the month than this year. And since Thanksgiving is so late this year, […]