
This & that

I have been doing a variety of things lately. Some fiber-related, some not. Let’s start with the not.

A woman who lives a few blocks away has 2 pear trees in her backyard. This was a great year for the pears and she posted on a neighborhood connection that anyone who wanted could go to […]

Sunrise Sunset complete

I finished all 3 pieces on my handpainted Sunrise-Sunset warp. I’m happy with all three. Remember, this is an oddly-sized 8/3 mercerized cotton warp. There’s a bit of 5/2 cotton in between the handpainted stripes – red, yellow, red.

I’d originally sett the warp at 16EPI, but after weave a few inches and thinking about […]

Lots of color going on

I finished the three silk shawls I’d woven with the two different hand painted warps. First up, here’s the group of three, before wet finishing, just so you can see the overall differences. Reminder – the warp is all 20/2 silk.

I wove them in the bottom-up order of the photo. So first is […]

Still at Home with Rainbows

Although many people around the country are significantly expanding their worlds outside of their homes, I’m one of the people who isn’t doing much more now than I was in March. I’m still mostly staying home, finding things that make me happy here. Like weaving rainbows. Here’s my latest batch of towels…a different take on […]

It happened again

Once more, weeks have gone by without a post from me. And this time I can’t even claim to have posted things on Facebook; I haven’t.

Some days I feel remarkably unproductive. How did I ever get things done when I had a full time job? Other days I’m totally caught up in doing […]