
The Next Bee Chapter

You’ll notice I didn’t title this post the last bee chapter, ‘cuz I’m sure there will be more to come, although hopefully not until spring.

Friday afternoon when the bees were making more honeycomb, I decided to call the bee man back. He said he’d come on Saturday. And he did, with the top part […]

Sweet as honey

I know I’m completely bee-obsessed now. I can’t help it.

It’s a chilly, damp morning – temp’s only in the mid-50s. So I figured I’d see what the bees were doing to stay warm enough. Here they are. As you can see, the honeycomb’s getting bigger. Unfortunately, there’s not a chance it can get big […]

Bzzy Morning

Of course, I had to look at the bees before I left for work this morning, to see what was going on. I’m not sure if you can tell from the picture. but the shape (and size?) of their cluster had changed, probably to be sure the queen was warm enough overnight.

But more […]

Two’s a crowd

Apparently the established queen decided that the newcomer couldn’t stay in her hive. I arrived home from work today to find this swarm clumped on the side of the house.

I have no bee spray, nor the heart to go buy more. Called the bee man, who’s not overly interested – unlikely to be able […]

What A Head!

After my bee excitement yesterday, I went to the store to get groceries and return defective bee spray. Being a veggie-lover, I was AMAZED to find this beautiful head of cauliflower in the produce aisle of my favorite grocery store, a locally-owned gem.

I immediately called my friend Margaret over so she could buy […]