
Northwest Rain Forest

A handful of years ago we trucked off to the Pacific Northwest. One of the must-see sights for me was a rain forest. I’ll freely admit that my only vision of a rain forest was something from the Amazon, and those in the northwest are quite different from that. Still, it was really beautiful there, […]

Tiny Dancer

I think I was 5 or 6 (but maybe as old as 7 or 8). It was Christmas morning — very early Christmas morning. My sisters and I got up at our usual wee hours time. In hindsight I’m guessing it was around 5:00 AM. We’d get up and go downstairs as quietly as possible, […]

That’s Different

Yup. It sure is. Even for out here in the sticks, where we see all kinds of things camo, this camo car is an eyecatcher, for sure. I caught it while I was visiting a nearby local landmark.

But why a camo car? Will it be able to sneak up on that deer […]

November Contest, part 3

Ok, so it’s only 2 days till Turkey Day. I’ve asked you to tell me someone you’re grateful is in your life & a holiday tradition. Now that we’re down to the wire, here’s final part of the contest: tell me about a funny Thanksgiving memory. Could be ha-ha funny or weird funny. Maybe you […]

Night Fire

I am far from being a fire bug. I’ve gotten quite good over the years at building fires in my wood stove and burning them in such a way that my house is warm but not too hot, and my chimney stays clean.

But fires outside? Bonfires? I never make them. If someone else makes […]