
Water Breeds New Life

Springtime means rain, rain means puddles, puddles mean life. I thought I’d share some views of life in the water near my house.

There’s a ditch near my house that attracts frogs, particularly spring peepers and wood frogs. Last year the wood frog tadpoles amazed me with their iridescent underbellies, and how long they took […]

Icy Water

Although we’ve had lots of unseasonably warm weather of late (today’s a notable exception), Carmi’s weekly challenge is to finish out winter. I took this shot a few months ago along the edges of a path I was walking. The way the water had made the waves in the ice, with the sun shining on […]

Spring Trees

It’s taken me several days to see a shot of trees that I wanted to capture for Carmi’s weekly challenge. And still, while this shot looks great in person, it doesn’t work so well on the small screen.

I’ve been really enjoying working in my garden in this (scarily) warm and dry April, and […]

You Still Have Dial Up?!

Yep, I still have a dial up for my internet access. I live in the sticks. There’s no cable TV/internet out here. No fiber optic lines. No cell/wireless service at my house. It’s one of the downsides of living in this beautiful area.

For years I said that dial up was my only option, knowing […]

Cluster Flies

If you live in the city, chances are you never even heard of cluster flies. But if you live in the sticks, well, they’re just part of your life.

For reasons that are beyond me, cluster flies have window preferences. In my house, they really like my bedroom window best of all. It faces […]