
Can I do that?

label list

I like many things about the WordPress platform I use for this blog, and about the theme I’ve chosen.

On thing I don’t like, however, is the way they handle tags.

I make it a point to categorize each of my posts so that readers (and I) can have a better […]

Beautiful Branches

It’s exceedingly crisp and cold out, but the sky is a bright clear blue, so I had to go out with my camera.

The way that nature responds to such harsh conditions is amazing to me, as I sit bundled in my home with my wood stove cranking out the heat. Today I decided to […]

Creativity is…

(a) messy. (b) fun. (c) exciting. (d) all of the above.

I’m all over D, of course!

The other day I got an inspiration for a totally different kind of scarf. I went to the store, bought an array of yarn of the types that I never use for weaving, and dumped them all […]

Easy As 1-2-3…



I’m a counter. I admit it. I enjoy counting things, and have all my life. The steps I take on my walk, the pieces of wood I’m loading into my wood stove, the ceiling tiles in my office. I usually forget these numbers as soon as they’ve been counted. It’s the act of […]

Beet Soup

Although it felt too weird to take pictures of the soup when my friends were here, I had some beet soup left over, so took a shot when I ate it a few days later. It was delicious! I’d love to give you the recipe, but I sort of mushed two recipes together, made some […]