
Scarf Stylin’

Margaret gave me this cute piece of original art for Christmas. It was drawn & inked by her friend Stephanie Piro for the Six Chix comic strip.

At shows, I’m often asked about how I tie scarves. I don’t do anything fancy, and assure people they don’t need to, either. I most often do either […]

Gettin’ the job done

When I said,”Maybe tomorrow…” at the end of my last post, I thought I was being sarcastic. But when I got up this morning, I said, “Hey, there’s no time like the present. Get those applications done!”

I sat down at my kitchen table with the paper applications, a pen, my checkbook, and my […]


I think I bought one pomegranate in my life, many years ago, and didn’t enjoy it. I thought you had to eat just the red juicy part and spit out the seeds. Way too much work to eat that way, and way too much waste.

Years later I learned that you’re supposed to eat everything, […]

My Second Socks

After knitting my first pair of socks, I knew I’d knit more. I also knew I had to make the next pair smaller, a shorter foot and a leg that hugged the leg.

For the first pair I used I downloaded from Patons, since I was using their Kroy FX sock yarn. Although […]

Now THAT’s Cold!

That’s what my thermometer looked like at 2:00AM when I loaded my wood stove. It was still the same at 6:30AM when I got up.

By 8:00AM it had risen to minus 10, and by 10:30AM, with the sun shining brightly, it was 10 above. That’s when I took my daily walk.

I wasn’t […]