
It’s not all bad

Yesterday was a very bad day for things electronic at my house.

When I got up in the morning I saw that at some point overnight my electronic, programmable thermostat stopped working. A bit of research told me it might just be the batteries. Replacing them didn’t do the trick, but conversations with […]

Fancy Feet

I often wear Crocs around the house – their classic, cloggy-looking style. As I was placing an order for a new pair my eyes were caught by their new huarache style and I decided I needed a pair of these, too.

Aren’t they cute?

I wore them one day & realized it’s been a […]

Happy Grandma

Last week I went to Rochester to spend time at the Lilac Festival with my daughter and grandson. They have more than 200 varieties of lilacs in the park as well as plenty of other trees, shrubs, & plants to admire.

After enjoying the park we went back to their house for lunch and fun. […]


See that snow? Just for all of us who are mothers or have mothers? Isn’t that nice?


Spring in the woods

Yesterday the beautiful spring weather called me off the road and into the woods for my daily walk. I really wanted to see what was blooming there.

Spring beauties are up — ahhhh. They are so aptly named. In my woods they come in the stunning variety and a slightly less gorgeous, paler, almost white […]