
Ukraine support towels

The yarn I ordered to weave towels for Ukraine support arrived on Thursday.

Ukraine support yarn arrived

Before it even got here I’d spent some time at my computer planning the weave structure I’d use for these towels. I decided to keep it simple, and to use a structure I’d used before and found both easy to weave and pleasing to my eye. Plus it kept the blue and yellow as stars of the show, with no other colors interceding.

So on Friday I measured out the 464 ends I needed. I made my warp just under 12 yards long, so I can get 10 towels out of it. Life intervened and I got the warp beamed and partially threaded on Saturday.

I purposely chose to use the darker blue and yellow in the warp, knowing that my wefts would tone it down a bit.

beaming the warp for Ukraine support towels

Finally today (Sunday) I finished threading, lashed on, and started weaving. This is as far as I’ll get today, but I’m really liking the decisions I made to this point.

start of weaving on Ukraine support towels

I’m not yet sure if I’ll make them all have the alternating wefts I’m using on this towel. I may. Or I may decide to do a towel in all yellow or all blue weft. Only time will tell.

My goals is to weave 2 towels/day. So in 5 days I’d have this warp woven. Then at least 4 days to do all the off-loom finishing.

I already have orders for 4 of these towels, before they were even on the loom. I haven’t yet figured out the actual yarn costs per towel, but I’m guessing I’ll be able to donate $15+ per towel to Ukraine support. 🙂

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