
Still at Home with Rainbows

Although many people around the country are significantly expanding their worlds outside of their homes, I’m one of the people who isn’t doing much more now than I was in March. I’m still mostly staying home, finding things that make me happy here. Like weaving rainbows. Here’s my latest batch of towels…a different take on the Safe At Home towels and the Rainbow circle towels.

9 Still at Home rainbow handwoven towels

As you can see, I’ve already sold 2 of them, so if you’re interested, let me know. I’ll be posting them on Facebook this morning and they tend to move quickly. Note that towel #1 is short – I ran out of warp. 🙁 So that towel may remain with me unless someone wants a short towel, for a short price. 🙂

5 handwoven Still at Home Rainbow towels

4 handwoven Still At Home Rainbow towels

I also got that painted warp woven – 3 shawls, but the fringes will take me some time to twist, especially since I plan to include beads on two of them. But here’s a bit of a preview of the first one while I was weaving.

handpainted silk shawl on the loom

As usual, each piece is different, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot.

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