
Holiday decorating

For the 3rd year, I spent an evening with my daughter and her friends decorating wreaths. Everyone had access to the same ribbons and the same dried flowers and other components, and the wreaths always turn out quite different based on individual creativity and style. I feel a little bad about cutting off their heads in the pix, but I didn’t ask permission to post them, so… no particular order, here they are.

Amaranth, hydrangea, pine cones, dusty miller, painted golden rain tree seed pods

Dried hot peppers, statice, crabapples, pine cones, bittersweet

Grasses, painted golden rain tree seed pods, rose hips, pine cones, viburnum(?) fruits

Rose hips, pine cones, painted golden rain tree seed pods, painted milkweed seed pods, beautybush fruits, amaranth, fake little cardinal

Pine cones, mums, grasses, milkweed pods & leaves, crabapples,

Grasses, hydrangea, pine cones, rose hips, dusty miller

Amaranth, love lies bleeding, painted golden rain tree seed pods, pine cones, dusty miller, beautybush

Bittersweet, pine cones, dusty miller, painted golden rain tree seed pods, grasses

We had some wet snow last night, and while I was giving Jack his nighttime walk I couldn’t resist snapping a few pix of my lights. First a not-so-well-focused picture of net lights on my dwarf golden spirea. (I also tried to get a picture from inside the house, as I liked the way the snow was sticking to the chain link fence and the lights were shining through, but all of the pictures made it look tacky, not nice.)

net lights on a shrub in snow

And now for my little Japanese maple with an entire spool of 240 lights on it.

lights on Japanese maple

Fresh snow makes everything beautiful.

After I get home from getting my snow tires put on today I plan to do a bit of cleaning so I can put up some indoor decorations.

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