
Four luscious shawls

into the blue rayon chenille shawl, draped

I am very fortunate that I was not one of the 90,000+ people in Rochester who lost power last week. Both by kids and some friends weren’t so lucky. They were without electricity – and heat – from mid-day Wednesday till about 5PM yesterday. There are still about 8,000 people awaiting their power back, even though crews have been working around the clock in single digit temperatures. And with a winter storm starting tonight, dropping up to 18″ of snow in 24 hours, everyone wants the problem completely solved today. I’m hoping they can do that, and that the snow isn’t heavy enough to cause more damage.

Because I never lost power I have been playing host to my kids and friends periodically. Glad to do it, and to reduce my work output for a while.

into the blue rayon chenille shawl on a rod

I did get all four rayon chenille shawls hemmed and wet finished. One day I got myself set up and took about a million photos of them. I want to get one of the blue and one of the red up on my Etsy page – maybe later today. I will hold one of each back from Etsy for that show in Cazenovia in April. So I posed them in ways I’ve never done before just to add some interest to the pix.

Shawl as toga.

into the blue rayon chenille toga

Shawl as skirt.

fire coals rayon chenille skirt

Having seen them in person, Jennifer suggested a great name for those red shawls – fire coals. I’m sticking with that.

fire coals rayon chenille shawl draped

Here’s how the one with the stripes on the ends looked. This is something I don’t often do, and I”m quite happy with it.

fire coals rayon chenille shawl with stripes

I’m putting a third set of shawls on the loom now. Then I’m going to move away from rayon chenille shawls for a while.


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