
New Techniques

Warning: this is a long post with lots of process photos. Proceed at your own risk.

Before I wove those great color block towels I had purchased 2 large cones of Georgia-grown and processed cotton. I hadn’t realized just how large they would be till they arrived. Here they are with two of my ‘regular’ cones of cotton, each around 1/2 pound, for comparison.
two big cotton cones

I bought the cotton for 2 reasons: I loved the fact that it was grown and processed right here in the United States, and I wanted to do some more hand painting with a fiber that would be more affordable to potential customers than the silk.

First up was trying a new-to-me technique – dyeing the warp for a cotton shawl in the same colors, but with sections offset partly or in whole. Of course I had to be begin by measuring out the sections of warp, scouring it, and soaking it in the dye activator before I could start dyeing.

Let me say right off that the bed risers did, in fact, raise my table to the perfect height for me to work on. HOWEVER, I have learned my lesson with this job. I will NEVER AGAIN do my dyeing outside for this type of dye job. (It was relatively simple when I was dyeing one warp at a time for the scarves.) It takes only the faintest breeze to make handling plastic wrap insanely challenging, and it felt like I needed to use miles of the stuff for this job. For each time I covered the length of the table, which I think was six times, I needed four widths of the plastic wrap. So lay down a length of wrap the 6′ of the table, attempt to hold it in place while I laid the next length next to it, and so on. Needless to say, by the time I’d gotten to the 4th length nothing was straight and even any more. I was frustrated for sure. Wishing I had octopus arms and hands with lots of fine-motor control and patience.

Here’s the first length of the 6′ table when things were relatively in control. Seven sections of cotton – needed for the width of the shawl – laid out and painted.
painting shawl sections

After each 6′ length was painted I had to roll it up the length of the table, again cover the table with the plastic wrap (grrr), then lift the already-painted roll up over the newly-covered table for the next 6′. So in addition to the wind, as you can imagine it became increasingly difficult to lift the already-painted roll up over the newly-covered table as it became heavier and heavier. Again wished I had octopus arms and hands, this time strong ones.

After I had it all painted and rolled up, I set the whole thing in a tub to batch – or set in warmth to get that dye to bond with the cotton fibers. Since I could certainly not fit this into my steamer, I decided to leave the tub in my garage, with the door closed to really build up the heat, for two days. I thought it looked like a caterpillar, one that might even be recognizable.

painted caterpillar warp

After two hot days I carefully unwound the big roll, dividing it into three tubs to keep the lengths from getting irretrievably twisted.

3 tubs of painted cotton

Then I draped it across my clothesline to dry. It took almost 40′ to spread it all out.

hanging the warp to dry

Here’s a tub full of the dried yarn. You can see how much lighter it is dried than it was wet. I still have to get used to this in choosing my dye colors.

1 tub of yarn dried

Finally I could start getting this warp on my loom so I could get some real idea of how it looked. I decided to do about 1/2″ on each selvedge with some solid color cotton I had so I didn’t have to worry about selvedge breakage like I did for those towels.

beaming the shawl

Once on the loom I auditioned several wefts. It seemed like I had plenty of choices.

auditioning wefts

I decided on a lavender cotton for the first shawl. I am loving the way the colors gently bled along the length of the cotton for such nice transitions.

loving the color transitions

Enough of the process. I wove all three shawls, fringed, washed, and dried. I still have to do the hard press, but the conditions were right to get some photos so that had to wait. First up is the shawl with lavender weft.

hand painted cotton shawl, lavender weft

Woven next was a shawl with a dark purple weft.

hand painted cotton shawl with purple weft

And finally I used that lovely undyed cotton for weft.

hand painted cotton shawl, cream weft

My daughter says the shawls, especially the dark one, remind her of a long-standing Rochester event, the Lilac Festival. I think I’ll use that for their name.

Just quickly, while I was waiting for the dye to batch and then set, I wove four rayon chenille scarves. That was before I knew that it would be warm the weekend of the Clothesline Festival.

red and blue rayon chenille scarves

So I’ve ended up with 9 new shawls and 15 new scarves. Not bad. We’ll see how the show goes.

Parting shot: one of Jack’s favorite positions when the temperatures are in the 70s.

one of Jack's favorite positions

15 comments to New Techniques

  • Alma

    There’s a restaurant supply store in the Regional Market on Jefferson Road – behind where Lori’s – and I’ll bet you could find plastic wrap in the commercial rolls there . . .

  • Normcgill

    Peg – Love your shawls, especially the purple one. I know your problem with the plastic wrap. Here in Australia we can get a plastic painters drop sheet – a bit heaver than wrap but still very flexible. It is found in the paint section of the hardware store and is about 4 x 3 yards. I often slice it in half and works much better than kitchen wrap.

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks, Norm. I can get plastic painters drop sheets here, too. Do you steam in them? Do you use the same ones over, or do you need to keep buying more?

  • Peg Cherre

    Alma – Thanks so much for helping to get the word out! I’ll let you know if any of my visitors reference learning about the event or me through the Villages.

    Not being on FaceBook, I can’t offer any help on how to do anything there.

    I use a plastic tablecloth on the table to protect it, but I don’t think it would be good for the yarn wrapping. Every dyer I’ve spoken to or seen online uses plastic wrap. I think part of the reason is because you use A LOT of it when you dye, and if you’re steaming your dyed yarns, which is required with silk and suggested with cotton or rayon, the composition of the plastic wrap will hold up but who knows about those plastic tablecloths, which are a different kind of plastic. If I invest in one of those commercial rolls of plastic wrap, like what they use in restaurant kitchens, it would ease life greatly, so I’ll check that out.

  • Alma

    EAT-in, not EAR-in!

  • Alma

    Dumb question – Does it have to be plastic wrap? Would plastic tablecloths work? I thought of it today when we had an ear-in-lunch and they just roll off a length of the plastic to cover the tables . . .

  • Alma

    Peg – Each new adventure leads to an even lovelier end result. The rolled up in plastic picture makes me think of a colorful Slinky! Monet? Lilac Festival? Either is a good way to go!

    I’ve had some good luck with messages I’ve sent out for you – a good number of people have expressed interest, and a couple have even forwarded the messages on to siblings and children.

    I tried in vain to figure out how to copy the email into Facebook. I’ll have to give that much more thinking time, so I just wrote a message on my page. I don’t suppose you know how to pull the whole email over?

    Last night I happened to be in the East Village on an errand, and ran into a number of Clothesline postcards. They now all have advertising for Second Wind on them, as well as the position of your booth and some bragging about you. Half the postcards made it back here to the West Village and to the bulletin board. I was very glad to find them!

    Jack looks to be happy with fresh air – maybe a little coolness, too?

  • Peg Cherre

    Judy – Didn’t think you could see the little photo well on my phone and picture the finished product. Glad you like it.

    Abbey – I like your analogy. Maybe I’ll do the next in blues and greens and those will be Monet’s water lilies…maybe purposely have more overlap of colors in the sections. See what effect your comments have on me?

    Theresa – Thanks. Supposed to be very hot and steamy and potentially stormy on Saturday—not good selling weather. Sunday more moderate. I’m pretty philosophical about shows…it is what it is and I always learn something: how to organize my booth better, what my customers have to say, a great inspiration from another artist, etc.

  • They are so pretty! I think the name is perfect. They reminded me of Lilacs and irises.
    Good luck at the show. Cute Jack pic!

  • Abbey sews

    What beautiful watercolour-like colours. It should be the Monet shawl 🙂 Abbey

  • Judy T

    REALLY quite lovely… all 3 !!! Too hard to pick a favorite… maybe #3. Good job Peg.

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