
What was I thinking?

Weaving was progressing smoothly and rather rapidly. I finished 1/3 of the warp on the first day, and on the next I was past 115″. All of a sudden, the light bulb went off in my head. I couldn’t make pants out of the fabric I was weaving! It was far too loose for this pants!

weft packing on the loom

So I started weaving anew, now packing it much more densely.  You can see from the photo that after that decision I struggled to make the weave consistent…some areas are more closely woven than others.  This got better as I went along, but was a challenge throughout.

The good news is that I can most likely use the more loosely-woven fabric to make a top.  The pattern I bought for the pants also has a simple top pattern.

The bad news is that I’ll have to wind another warp to make up the length I need. Sigh.  The good news is that I have enough yarn to do so.



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