I haven’t done a giveaway in a long time. I intended to do so for my blogaversary in March, but somehow the time got away from me. So in honor of springtime, motherhood, and joy, I’m giving away this newly-woven rainbow towel. The towel, a bit oddly shaped at 15″ wide and 30″ long, is woven from 12 colors of cotton. It should serve well as a kitchen towel for drying dishes or hands, or wrapping up yummy warm rolls. Or use it on the table for a small but happy runner. Or find another creative use for it.
So how can you win this towel? Simply leave a comment on this post. I’ll put all the names of the commenters in a hat and pull one out at random on Wednesday, May 25.
Good luck!
This is beautiful! I love how the colours gently graduate across the piece.
Thanks, Charlotte. You’ve made it into the drawing with a few hours to spare.
A handwoven towel won by a weaver would be truly cherished!
Welcome, Donna. Your name is in the hat now.
Somehow I missed Tanya and the first Elizabeth, but I’ve got you both now. You’re in the drawing!
Lynda – So nice I could make your evening!
Maggie – Handwoven towels are the best for sure.
That towel is very generous. I have a collection of handwoven dish towels. Nothing feels better than hand woven. Thanks.
Wow, that’s a stunning piece of rainbow work, Miss Peg. I would be honored to be entered into the drawing for it. Thank you so much for the chance. Your generosity made my evening; you’re my last stop before bed !~!
Elaine, Liz, & Peggy – Thank for stopping by. You’re in the drawing now.
Beautiful!! Happy post Mother’s Day