
How I spent my Easter vacation

I didn’t weave at all on Easter Sunday. But I do have a nice side shot of LV’s wrap, with a natural cotton/hemp weft, from my weaving on Saturday.

LV's handwoven baby wrap

Instead, I started the day by giving Jack a springtime haircut. I intended to do before & after pix, but forgot the before so just the after isn’t particularly impactful. Instead, look at the nice material he left for the birds to use in their nest building!

Jack's hair

I don’t know if the birds will think it’s great stuff or not. I’m going to leave it there in the yard for a few days and see what happens.

After that I played in the dirt for a while. I got an area that was crammed with violets and lily of the valley cleaned out. My neighbors were happy to get the lily of the valley, and I want to plant clematis in that space, so it’s all good. After that I spent some time figuring out the best way to use my new Garden Weasel edger. Once I got the hang of it, it worked quite well. Affordable, easy to use – I recommend this tool.

Then I spent a bit of time just hanging out with Jack, reading a book, and taking a walk – all in today’s really beautiful, warm sunshine. Especially appreciated since we’re looking at a week of partly wet with cool-to-cold temps.

Next I took a mess of photos of placemats and towels and got them uploaded to my website Handwovens for the Home page.

A productive and enjoyable day.

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