
The IHTNW Club

I’m starting a new club. It’s called I Hate To Needle Weave (IHTNW). Feel free to join me. There are no dues, no meetings, no formality of any type. The only membership requirement is that you, too, hate to needle weave.

I cut 2 baby wraps off the loom yesterday. Post loom there are a few steps that must be accomplished: machine stitch a straight line to prevent fraying, cut beyond that line, hem, and then inspect for any weaving errors. (After that comes labeling, washing, drying, and pressing.)

needle weaving correction

ARRGGHHH!! One selvedge of my warp apparently had badly behaved threads! I spent in excess of three hours needle weaving corrections to one of the wraps – the second on the loom. The first had many fewer problems because that thread was mostly behaving itself – mostly. It started developing the tension problem about half way through that first warp, and it gradually got worse.

What is needle weaving? It’s using the same thread that you wove with and a blunt tapestry needle to correctly weave any places in the warp or weft where there were threading or treadling errors. Or in this case, poorly behaving threads.

The only way to prevent any needle weaving? PAY ATTENTION AT THE LOOM AND AVOID ERRORS! Sure wish I’d done that!

5 comments to The IHTNW Club

  • Candace

    Was it my wrap? That part of weaving doesn’t sound fun at all.

  • Diane

    Charter member, here! I really try to catch errors on the loom, and hat when I miss things. Usually the correction is really hard to figure out (for me).

    • Peg Cherre

      Welcome, Diane, aka member 03. 😉 I usually have a really hard time figuring out the correction, too. Because this design is very symmetrical it was easier than usual. Still SO NOT FUN!

  • First member here. Actually, I’m not real fond of any hand sewing either, but needle weaving is worse, so much worse….

    Looks like you are doing a beautiful job on it though. Pretty wrap.

    • Peg Cherre

      Theresa – Your member number is 02 (I’m 01). Although not one of my favorite activities, I’ll pick hand sewing any day over needle weaving. In fact, I do some very neat hand hemming for clothing (I use machine hemming for my towels and baby wraps to ensure they can take the wear & tear they’ll get.) Finding exactly the right thread to pick up with needle weaving is a PITA…at least to me. 🙁

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