
First painted warp

I’ll be darned if I can get these scarves to photograph with real-life colors. It just is what it is.

After I got the first of my painted warps beamed, I had several personal and family things call me away from the loom. I finally got it threaded in an undulating twill pattern, a slight modification of one I’ve used before. I especially like undulating twill with ‘watery’ colors. For the first scarf I chose a weft that’s the same as one of the very thin solid stripes I added to the warp, an azure blue. I love the way it looks, and with both the coral and dark stripes it has a very under-the-sea feel. (Reminder-the colors here are NOT accurate.)

first painted warp-watery

After much deliberation, I chose a baby blue weft for the second scarf. It’s okay, but not as appealing as the azure…at least while they’re on the loom. Sometimes my eyes like things differently when the pieces are done.

But here’s the real problem.

separating weft threads

After it goes over the breast beam those weft threads are irregularly separating. I’ve tried every strategy I know to eliminate the problem:

  • changing my shirt to something very smooth so there’s no chance that I’m inadvertently moving those threads as I weave.
  • double beating to pack in the weft more tightly.
  • having more tension in the warp.
  • having less tension in the warp.

Nothing worked.  And I did not have this problem with the first scarf.  Or at least I didn’t notice it if I did.

Generally I view such problems as puzzles to be solved.  For some reason, I guess because this is the first of the warps I hand painted, I found it all depressing.  Depression that makes me not want to weave.  So I find other things to do. And there are always plenty of other things to do.

Yesterday morning I made a decision. It’s multi-faceted. I’m going to finish weaving this scarf, cut the warp off the loom, and re-thread the reed to be 24 ends per inch instead of the current 21EPI. Then I’m going to use an unmercerized cotton weft for a little more ‘grab’ in the threads. It’s the best I can do. If I have to throw out one of more of the first two scarves for lack of structure stability, I do, and I’ll chalk it up to learning. There’s nothing I can change about them now. Sigh.

5 comments to First painted warp

  • […] that, remembering my recent undulating twill disaster (different draft), I re-threaded for huck lace, but forgot to take a photo on the loom.  I got both […]

  • Peg Cherre

    Thanks Ellie, Theresa, & Kerry. I did re-sley at 24 EPI. I also used cotton for the weft. I don’t like it. I’ll take pics of all 3 scarves soon – as soon as I get them pressed.

    I have definitely done undulating twill before, and I thought I’d checked my notes and that it was sett at 21 EPI, but for whatever reason(s), this time was a problem.

  • I just finished an undulating twill warp with the same exact issues going on and the only way I found to solve it was to use a second shuttle and alternating shots of tabby weft, like you’d do with an overshot design. It changes the overall look of the pattern but it was still pretty and didn’t have those awful gaps! Your colors are lovely–I hope you can find a way to save the warp!

  • I’ve had this happen on warps too and I’ll be interested to find out what you find out!
    I’m thinking a combo of sett and too tight tension but who knows!

  • Ellie

    It hurts to see the beautiful yarn and twill design misbehave that way. I hope the weft you selected for the follow-up scarf w/increased grab and epi will “solve” this mystery. I do wonder if the cause of the separation may be tied to the breast beam’s shape somehow.

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