
Not a break

charcoal cotton to black rayon chenille

It may seem like I took a break. But no, not really. I had a show this past weekend. So travel & set up on Friday, show on Saturday & Sunday, then pack up and travel back home. I like getting feedback from both buyers and lookers. I really like spending time with my sister, which I get to do for many of the shows I do. I don’t like the set up or tear down, but it goes with the territory.

Jack spent the weekend with my daughter and her family. They all did fine.

That took up all of Friday and, along with things like getting groceries, much of Monday. On Tuesday I spent a few hours taking care of my grandson during the day and took Jack to his 3rd puppy class in the evening. I did manage to finish weaving KG’s short wrap with the charcoal weft in the middle.

Today I got the first section of my warp woven. I settled on black rayon chenille. I thought I’d do plain weave, but hated the way it looked…you can see a few rows in the picture above. So I went to my computer’s weaving software and played around with various options. I changed the tie up and much prefer the weave pattern, although I had to do a double beat to get that rayon chenille weft packed in enough.

That’s the good news. The bad news is that I didn’t have as much black rayon chenille as I wanted. I ran out after 54″. I’d wanted to weave another 10-12″. I’ll make it work. I’m just not sure exactly what or how right now.

black rayon chenille to navy tencel

Then I switched to navy tencel. I thought I’d continue with the same weave pattern, but I didn’t like it in the tencel. So I went back to my weaving software, played around some more, and decided on a simple zigzag pattern. I got almost 60″ of that woven today, too.

My plan is that tomorrow I’ll finish (I hope) my Christmas shopping and get most of the rest of the way through the warp. I need to get this warp off the loom, wet finished, and out to KG. Then I need to get a warp on the counterbalance loom for more Christmas presents.

1 comment to Not a break

  • Well enjoy the gift weaving at least. I know sometimes I have a bugger of a time finding a weft I like, esp. on a warp I’m in love with.
    Glad Jack survived his time roughing it without you. Was it a good show?

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