
A gift reveal

short end of yarn

Way back in October I told you I was knitting, but I never told you what it was. I’m quite sure my nephew and his wife don’t read my blog, and this isn’t a Christmas present anyway, so I feel safe in revealing this gift. They are expecting their first child, and have remarkably decided not to learn their baby’s gender.

Earth friendliness and generosity are values that are important to this young couple, so I chose an organic US-grown cotton, sold by a company that donates a percentage of its profits to charity. Although I do have a few more skeins, the end above is how much I had left of the skein I was working with when I bound off the blanket. Close, huh?

Here’s the final result.

cream baby blanket

The family lives in Dallas, so even though the baby is due any day, I didn’t want to make a thick blanket, but rather one that I thought would work in their climate. Although I had everything done except weaving in the ends (my least favorite part of knitting) almost a month ago, the blanket finally got totally finished and mailed yesterday.

I also made great progress at the loom, getting 2/3 of KG’s charcoal weft woven for her short wrap.

KG's charcoal weft

I really like the contrast of the white weft and the charcoal weft, and the fact that KG chose charcoal instead of black. I think it makes the warp colors pop in a much softer way than a stark black would. Nice choice, K!

I’m thrilled to report that my plumbing issue, which I thought would be a costly, time-consuming nightmare, turned out to be not bad. (I lost sleep over that for nothing.) The plumber was here for a total of 40 minutes to completely fix it! An ancient copper fitting had corroded and was leaking, and he was able to sweat it off, replace a section of pipe, and sweat the new piece back in place. WHEW!! So much relief! And not too hard on my checkbook, either.

3 comments to A gift reveal

  • Ellie

    What a beautiful blanket! So elaborate and delicate—yummy. Warm and cozy and knit with love. Lovely work!

  • I love greys, it is my stand in for black and that charcoal is lovely! I agree, good choice K!
    That organic cotton might have come from Texas! In any event, the blanket is beautiful
    and I bet will be loved and appreciated.

  • Alma

    The blanket is beyond fine! I really like the pattern you used – I’ve seen it in books or someplace, but just hadn’t chosen it yet for the ones I’ve done. It made up beautifully! Good job!

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