
Two more complete

wraps on the cloth beam

After some days of less-than-stellar productivity I’ve finally finished weaving EK’s custom baby wrap. That’s hers and LY’s all wound on my cloth beam, 11 yards of evidence of my hard work. I’ll cut their wraps off the loom this afternoon and start the off-loom finishing process. I could have them ready for the mail on Monday, but since it’s Columbus Day the post office won’t be open, so they’ll be mailed on Tuesday.

So what have I been doing? Paying attention to Jack (who’s doing well, thanks), cooking, doing the home energy audit (I can give you details later), working with moms who are planning their own custom handwoven baby wraps, knitting (more on that in a future post) and creating a Pinterest account and boards. The last may have been a big waste of time. Mostly I did it because for months I’ve been frustrated at not being able to see things other people posted on the site. But once I created my account (a few weeks ago) my obsessive-compulsive self couldn’t let it just sit there, so I spent hours creating boards and searching for things that interested or inspired me.

Tomorrow I’ll be going to the wedding of friends back down in the Southern Tier. I’m looking forward to sharing their happiness.

3 comments to Two more complete

  • […] back in October I told you I was knitting, but I never told you what it was. I’m quite sure my nephew and his […]

  • That’s one big roll of wraps you got there! And all pretty too. Good to hear Jack is doing well.
    I must admit, I was invited to try pinterest when it was in testing, did very little with it and then got addicted. I have found some great inspiration, books, recipes, ideas, how to’s etc….on it. Enjoy.

    • Peg Cherre

      Only two wraps, Theresa. I’ll give a more complete update on Jack in a future post, but we continue to figure each other out. I’d like to know how to find you on Pinterest. I tried a few likely searches, some of which were clearly not you, only one possibility.

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