
New Views

When I finish a warp I get two views I like at the loom: the cascade of yards of fabric as I roll them off the cloth beam…

loom end cascade

…and the neat cut ends of the remaining scrap warp.cut ends at loom

After inspection, trimming/repairing as needed, hemming, washing, drying, pressing, and labeling, two more wraps are ready to mail. Here’s ARO’s wrap showing its flexibility.
ARO's finished wrap

And LM’s wrap, rolled up and slipping into the bag to get ready for final packaging.
LM's wrap ready to box

Those 2 wraps are on their way to Australia.

I immediately got started on the next warp, for RH & RB. As usual, the reds don’t photograph well for me. This first bout is magenta and fuschia. In my head those 2 colors are so close they’re almost interchangeable; in real life, they create a lovely blend.
R & R, bout 1

Next up is fuschia to turquoise. The contrast of these colors is beautiful.
R & R, bout 2

Then we move to turquoise to pale green, a nice subtle shift.
R & R bout 3

And finally pale green to lilac, sweetness in colors.
R & R bout 4

Together these colors remind me of childhood candy, although I can’t explain why. This evening I got the warp beamed and I’ll thread, or at least start that process, tomorrow. I can’t wait to get weaving on this warp!

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