
A good/not good day

Although Jack’s still on his vet-required-no-walk-time and couldn’t come with me, I got to see another beautiful sunrise this morning.

sunrise, 10-5-15

As usual, I came home, fed Jack his breakfast, and then it was play time.

Except it wasn’t. Jack didn’t want to play. He didn’t seem to be feeling well. Since he’d scratched his ears a few times last night, I decided it couldn’t hurt to use the vet’s medicated ear wash again. His left ear came out clean as a whistle, but sure enough, his right ear didn’t. Jack’s in the process of re-developing an ear infection. As the day went on, his lack of energy and general no-spirit behavior told me he felt like crap. Although I don’t take animal’s temps, I could tell from his belly that if he had a fever it wasn’t bad. And I’m a firm believer in giving temps at least a day to do what they’re designed to do anyway, which is kill off the bad guys trying to attack us. Still, I feel bad for the little guy, and this makes it a not-good day.

A few hours later, look what the mailman brought me…

lavender silk on cones

…two cones of lavender silk for EK’s weft! Within a matter of minutes I’d turned those cones into the first 7 bobbins so I could start weaving immediately.

lavender silk on bobbins

The fabric for me chair cushions can wait!

4 comments to A good/not good day

  • […] wrap is 4.6M long. In addition to the photo above, you can see more pictures in 4 blog posts: one, two, three, and […]

  • Vicki

    It was so good talking with you yesterday! Thanks for clarifying a few things! 🙂

    Been thinking about Jack a lot…I hope he is feeling better (and behaving himself)!

    Thinking of you today and hoping you’ve got the nice sunshine that is shining here (most of the time)! Trees are sure getting pretty! Days like this make our basement glow with the reflection off the yellow leaves!

  • Here’s hoping he has some resources to fight that infection off, but he still may need a helping hand with it. Maybe today finds him back to his usual happy self?

  • Alma

    Lovely thread!

    Sorry to hear about Jack. I’m guessing that his poor little immune system has been compromised by all the things he’s had to fight off so far! Poor guy!

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