
Now I know

kollage hope yarn
I’ve learned many new things in the past several days. Here are some of them.

  • I will close on my new house on Thursday, August 6.
  • On that day I’ll go to Lowes to buy a frig (not included in my new house) and Sleep City to buy a mattress (not moving my old one-I’ve bought an air mattress to use temporarily).
  • The mover is already booked solid on Friday, so I’ll be moving on Saturday, August 8.
  • Lowes will do Sunday deliveries, BUT they are already booked that far out. In fact, when I buy my refrigerator on Thursday they’ll give me a delivery date, which will likely be about a week away.
  • Fortunately my daughter, who lives just a few blocks away, has a dorm-sized frig I can borrow and use in the interim. And she has plenty of space for my currently meager freezer stuff. (I’ve been hard at work emptying freezer and pantry.)
  • Although not confirmed yet, I’ll likely close on my current/old house on Monday or Tuesday of next week. That’ll give me a chance to get back down here and do whatever last minute sweeping/vacuuming/etc. is needed, as well as picking up anything I forgot or otherwise left behind. I may even decide to dig up a few of my perennials to bring with me. Or not.
  • After opening 5-count-em-5 boxes, I found the box with my knitting pattern books in it. Remarkably, I’d written ‘patterns’ on the outside of it. If only I’d remembered I’d done that, I wouldn’t have had to open the first 4!
  • I pored over knitting baby blanket patterns and couldn’t make a decision – too many lovely choices. I looked at free patterns online, which only made the decision harder. So I wrote down the yardages needed for the 3 patterns I liked most. I’d just buy enough yarn for the one that used the most yarn and would have some left. Maybe.
  • Then I started looking at the colors of the yarn I’d purchased for my niece. I didn’t want to use the same yellow I’d used for her blanket, and most of their other neutrals didn’t send me. So I spent more time online looking for a nice, soft, organic cotton in the size I wanted — sport/DK. Not baby, not worsted, sport weight. I found a really lovely yarn. Hope, by Kollage. It’s organic, grown & spun in the USA. And 10% of their profits support local charities!
  • The best price I found was from CarolsCabin on Etsy, and the seller just couldn’t have been easier to work with. I had the yarn mailed to my daughter’s house. No point shipping it here for me to move, and without a clear sense of when I’d be official at my new house, that’s what I’ve done with several things I’ve ordered in the last week or so. Although the yarn apparently comes in a variety of colors, I couldn’t find any, and thought that natural was a good choice for a baby, anyway.
  • You know that saying about tasks taking up as much time as you allot to them? I’ve never spent so much time being so unproductive. Thinking, online research, planning, but very little doing. I’m pretty good with being a temporary slug, knowing that it’ll all be over and I’ll be a busy beaver again soon. On many fronts.

4 comments to Now I know

  • Alma

    I’m soooo happy that you have dates. What good news!

    Sorry to hear that you’ll be fridge and bed less at first, and hope that doesn’t take too long to remedy that situation.

    I, too, like sport weight for bambinos. I’m glad you settled on a color, so I’ll steer clear of that!

    Take your time taking time, Peg. This next week will be hectic enough to choke two or three elephants!

    Please let me know where I can help!

  • Peg Cherre

    Thanks, Theresa & Judy. Yes, it does look like smooth sailing, which of course means that when things go wrong as they always will (like living with a teeny-tiny frig for a week), it won’t be so bad with everything else just humming along.

  • Oh looks like smith sailing on the home fronts. You’ll be in like Flynn! 😉
    What pretty yarn, I heading over to check it and the recommended seller out. Thank you.
    Best of luck on the move, oh and if you don’t dig up some of those favorite perennials, you might regret it. Been there and didn’t do it and should have….

  • Judy T

    Yay – dates!!! Sooo excited for you Peg!!!! It seems all the pieces are falling into place nicely… congratulations!!! Best wishes for much happiness and all good things there.
    Love the yarn… it looks like it will be wonderful for the new little one.
    You’ll have to share some photos as you get settled in. I bet it’ll be so much fun setting up your looms in your awesome new weaving room and getting started on your first piece in your new home.

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