
A bold choice

My living room rug arrived today. I was a bit, um, apprehensive before I unrolled it. It was a bold choice. Would I like it in person?

living room rug 2

Yes, I do!

living room rug 1

And now my living room doesn’t echo anymore. It was worth spending all those hours online to find & pick this rug. I bought it at rugsusa — a suggestion from my daughter who’s purchased from them before. Part of the reason I spent so much time choosing it was because a lot (half?) of the rugs I liked were made in China and I ruled them all out. This is 100% wool, and was hand tufted in India. I’ve never had a wool rug before, nor a rug that was patterned. My rug was on a major sale – 70% off regular price, making it affordable.

Ignore that box next to the couch. It’s waiting for me to find a piece of furniture to replace the TV tray with my little lamp on it in the other photo. This as-yet-to-be-even-considered piece of furniture will hold the DVD player that’s in that box. (Ok, I admit it, there’s a VCR in the box, too. I probably won’t set that up. I shouldn’t have brought it, should I?)

The other rug, the one for my spare room, should arrive on Thursday or Friday.

Today started and ended very well, with a bit of an oops in the middle. As I was beaming the warp for JMC & AF – isn’t it gorgeous?!…

beaming JMC & AF's warp

…we had a brief downpour. I noticed that the gutter along the side of my weaving studio didn’t appear to be working at all. Water was pouring over the side. So a bit later after it had stopped I got out my step ladder to clean the gutter. I had to bring it up from the basement, which was fine…until I got out the side door. That’s when I tripped and fell. Got a scraped leg that’ll be black & blue for sure, but that’s not the real problem. On my way down the ladder scraped my neighbor’s car. (My side door opens onto their driveway.) I don’t think it scratched it, but it did leave a mark. As soon as I got off the couch from the elevation/ice routine, I went next door and showed them what I did. I’m not yet sure if the marks will rub out, and if not, I will certainly reimburse them for any expense.

Then my ladder wasn’t tall enough for me to clean the gutter anyway. Although I could reach in a bit and it didn’t seem like there was anything in there. Odd. I’ve called my son, who will come and check it out for me when he gets a chance. Not a rush.

I’ve already mentioned that I have wonderful neighbors. It’s really true. Yesterday they brought me this lovely fruit pizza.

fruit pizza

It’s really much sweeter than things I usually like or eat, but I’ll probably eat most of it anyway. 😉

4 comments to A bold choice

  • Falling is such an ordeal; I hit the ground in the airport on the tenth after travelling 2500 safe miles. Sore spots abound; I’m glad you are all right. And the window-well as you say so succinctly “it is what it is.” I love that expression.

    Not as much as I love the new rug, though. Exquisite taste you have demonstrated. It’s gorgeous and I would be proud to have it on my floor.

  • Peg Cherre

    My injuries are no worse than I reported. The knee’s sore and will be a bit ugly for a while, but no big deal. Nothing else really hurts.

    The neighbor’s car…not as lucky. Fortunately the scrape on the body is fine. The back window, however, needs to be replaced. I’ll pay for it, of course. It is what it is.

    I was a bit mistaken about rug #2 — not arriving Thurs or Fri, but being shipped Thurs or Fri. No problem.

  • Alma

    Please don’t fall any more!! Let the tallest son take care of such matters!!

    Rug? How wonderful! Paisley – India – colors – what’s not to like?

    Rainbow colors – way cool!

    Take it easy, please!!

  • Judy T

    Beautiful, beautiful, and beautiful… all except the part about your fall! Yikes Peg!!! Hope your injuries aren’t any worse than you think and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the car just needs a good buffing (good thing they’re such nice neighbors!)

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