
Light to dark

JJ ordered 2 wraps from this warp – one on the short side and one quite short for a ring sling.

The first is that cotton/hemp blend of my last post. I want to clarify here that although I chose not to unweave the two heart motifs at the beginning of the warp, I won’t use these as part of her wrap, even in the hem. I always have enough warp left at the end to make my life easier, and this inch or so will simply leave my ‘loom waste’ at the end a tiny bit shorter. No big deal.

Now, J is clear that she wants the side of the wrap that you saw already as the ‘good’ side when I hem. That’s just fine; now I don’t have to choose. But I thought you might like to see both sides of the wrap. I did finish weaving it today, after I spent half the day mowing the lawn and wacking the weeds.

JJ's hemp wrap, top & bottom

Her second wrap, for the ring sling, uses a black Egyptian cotton weft and my usual hearts weave. The color is almost the opposite of the hemp.

JJ's wrap 1 to wrap 2

This is a short wrap so I plan to get it all woven tomorrow. Then it’ll take me 2-3 days to weave NB’s wrap.

After that, I’ll be doing weaving for my shows in late June & early July. Baby wraps will be on hold for a few weeks. That’s just the way it is.

4 comments to Light to dark

  • Anne

    What do you call the transitions in between the color gradients? It’s perfect!

    • Peg Cherre

      I just call the transitions gradients, Anne. My standard gradient is 64 threads from one solid color to the next. I can make shorter gradients, but longer ones are not likely.

  • Peg Cherre

    Hi, NZ. For sure I’ll be weaving some scarves – at least two warps (6 scarves). In my dreams I’ll also weave another warp of towels (6 or so towels) and another warp of shawls (3 shawls), but in real life, I’ll probably stick with scarves….if I can get 3 scarf warps done I’ll be happier than only 2.

  • NZ

    What will you be weaving for your show Peg? 🙂

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