
Wrap for royalty

QW had me use Havana tencel weft for her wrap, a color that’s new to me. Wow – was I impressed with the results! This wrap looks like it’s woven with gold threads — as in the olden days when the royalty had real gold in the fabric of their clothes. Hopefully this closeup can impart some of that richness and sheen to you.

golden threads in a wrap

I really love it!

And here, although I don’t think the camera captured what my eyes did as I wove, the interplay of these specific greens with the gold reminds me of an iridescent beetle, the kind that always startles me with its beauty.

greens and gold in wrap

The overall look of the wrap is nice, too, although it doesn’t move me like the closeups.

QW's wrap, top & bottom

I have to say, when I first started this wrap I was afraid of the color and how it would work with the warp. Probably because the burgundy weft JK chose looked so great with it, and the contrast between a dark weft & a light weft was so striking. So I was once again very pleasantly surprised by the results. The baby wraps are a never-ending study in color for me.

Oh, yeah. Yesterday I got some weeding done and planted some annuals. I planned to do more today, but the loom just called to me and I couldn’t resist. After so many days away it felt good to be producing cloth again. I finished weaving the wraps and got them both hemmed and through the washer. They’re in my dryer now. Tomorrow I’ll do the pressing and labeling, preparing them for Friday’s mail.

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