
Getting my life back

JK's wrap, top & bottom

Although there are a few small finishing touches to be done, as well as a bit of painting, my life is once again essentially my own. Thank goodness! It was a very stressful 2 weeks – more than I realized until that last day when I had just had it.

I spent Saturday morning cleaning in preparation for the showing, then the afternoon recuperating. I weeded for a few minutes and realized I needed to just be, not do. I sat in my swing chair, I read for a while, and then I weeded a bit more. Then more reading and relaxing. Doing anything more seemed out of the question.

On Sunday I did some laundry, mowed the lawn, wacked the weeds, and pruned some shrubs of winter kill. Then some relaxing on the porch with a book. I did finally get to the loom in the early evening, managing about 60″ before it was time to quit.

Today I wove for a while, ran some errands, planted some annuals, made some necessary phone calls, and then finished weaving JK’s wrap. I started QW’s, just so I could get a shot of the two. Both moms are using tencel weft, with JK choosing a burgundy and QW Havana — a soft brownish gold.

burgundy to havana weft

Tomorrow I have to go grocery shopping and I want to get some more weeding done…I had to completely ignore my gardens during construction. I also hope to make some real progress on Q’s wrap. There are always more things to do — including relaxing & reading — than there is time to do them. Such is the nature of life.

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