
Bee helpful

JK's wrap started

Sometimes help arrives from really unexpected places. On Monday morning I followed my usual routine: roll out of bed, throw on clothes, put on my sneakers and go for a brisk two-mile walk.

That is, I started my routine. When I put on my 2nd/left sneaker, things changed dramatically. Unbeknownst to me, a yellow jacket had decided to spend some time in the toe of the sneaker. He was none too happy with the intrusion of my foot, and I was none too happy with his self defense mechanism.

By the time I pulled my foot out, ran upstairs, pulled off my sock, and found my prescription medicine, tears were running down my face. I believe I was only stung once, on the top of my toe, but it felt like 5-6 stings….very sharp pain. (I’m quite sensitive to bee stings, although only in the area of the sting – not any worry about breathing difficulties or anything serious.) I rubbed in the cream, sat for a few minutes, and decided I’d try the old “walk it off” strategy.

Hah! I made it about 50 yards, limping badly and in pain, before deciding that was most definitely not going to work. I hobbled back home, removed sneakers and socks, and made myself a cup of coffee.

Although it was red, the swelling was minimal, and with the toe uncovered and not carrying weight, it didn’t feel too bad. So I figured I could easily use the time saved from my walk and yoga (which I also didn’t think I could do—too much toe bending and weight required) to thread the loom before my contractor arrived.

I got all heddles threaded before he got here, but by the time he and the painter left it was time to get ready for book club. No more weaving on Monday.

On Tuesday morning I could walk about 1/4 mile before I had to turn around, so I threaded the reed while waiting for my contractor. After he and the painter left I had to go to town to buy some more supplies & materials we needed. When I got back I did get the warp tied to the front beam and the warp spread, but ran out of energy after weaving about 30″.weaving mimosa edges

On Wednesday I managed to weave another 50″. Nothing to write home about, but at least I got something done. I really like the way the pink thread/white thread sections look on the loom — better than in the photo. This is the part of the warp that’s designed to mimic the bursts of color at the ends of the mimosa blossom.

Between yesterday & today I made what feels like about a million trips up and down stairs. As a result my knees & back are toast. I’ve taken some ibuprophen and a hot bath, and need to sit in my comfy chair. No weaving tonight.

The contractor will be done by mid-day tomorrow. Thank goodness! The painter won’t be yet, but she doesn’t require much from me.

And more good news — my realtor is bringing another interested person in on Saturday. He’ll see all the new stuff we’ve done, most of which you haven’t yet seen, and it’ll all hopefully make a great impression. I’ve been taking before & after photos, so I will share them with you soon.

2 comments to Bee helpful

  • Peg Cherre

    Thanks, Alma. I’m now able to wear both a sock AND a shoe for my morning walk—yesterday was the first day. 🙂

    Sorry I missed you Saturday, too. Hopefully I’ll be much closer before too long!

  • Alma

    More interested parties are a good thing – the more the merrier.

    I am so sorry that your friendly bee has befuddled, bemused you, and bedeviled your toe. The best laid plans gang aft aglee . . .

    Hope you’re almost done hurting by now – was awfully to miss you on Saturday. I hope we’ll cross paths before too long!

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