
Winding up

Today I got the last two bouts of ED & WL’s warps wound.

Bout 3 was pale yellow to pale green to turquoise.
ED & WL's warp, bout 4

The last bout was turquoise to peacock. Apparently I didn’t take any pix of it.

Then I spread the warp in the raddle and got it beamed – wound on the back beam.
ED & WL's warp beamed

It looks great!

I also finished all the last details for the wraps for EL, ML, & NA. I tried to get a good photo of the 3 of them together today, but failed. I’ll try again tomorrow before I go to the post office with them.

3 comments to Winding up

  • Melanie

    I don’t have a blog, but I can definitely share pics with you if you like! It’s a gradient red-orange-yellow warp with red weft, very flashy! I’m on maternity leave right now, so hopefully I’ll get this finished in a week or so from my start date, as I don’t have many other pressing projects. I wish I had space for a loom in my house but my husband would have a canary, haha, my sewing room has exploded into the rest of the basement as it is!

  • Melanie

    I just wanted to drop you a message since I’ve been stalking your blog for a while now. I’m about to try my hand at weaving (my mother has a bunch of looms and has been in a guild for years) and my first project will be a woven baby wrap (for myself, will never sell). I’m anxiously awaiting my order from Maurice Brassard, should be in mid-week and we’ll start warping. I find your projects fascinating and beautiful, and the visuals are very helpful. Continue with your awesome work!


    • Peg Cherre

      Welcome, Melanie! I’m glad I’m able to provide some inspiration for you, and hopefully some tips & tricks in weaving baby wraps, too. I’d love to see your progress, or at least your finished work. Do you have a blog or other place where you’ll post it? (I’m not on Facebook.)

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