
First things first


Families are the most important thing. My daughter & her family are so sweet. I enjoy going up to Rochester to visit, and to help out when I can. I’m looking forward to my house selling and being able to move up there.

Yesterday the Fed Ex man brought me a surprise – this lovely bouquet as a thank you from my daughter. Sunflowers, statice, and sweet William are so bright and cheery, especially enjoyed after the endless cold and snow we’ve had.

Thanks, Sweetie!

EL, ML, & NA's wraps, rolled

Today I was able to get a decent shot of the three wraps before I packaged them up and brought them to the post office. From left to right is EL’s unbleached Egyptian cotton weft, ML’s natural tencel weft, and NA’s black cotton weft. It’s easy to tell from the size that NA’s is much shorter than the other two. It’s hard to see the difference between the unbleached cotton and the natural tencel, but they do feel quite different. I hope all 3 mamas enjoy wrapping their babies in them.

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