
Shawls & Wraps

After the marigold-dyed silk I thought I would use periwinkle rayon for the 3rd shawl with the red gradient warp. Before I committed to that I figured I should try some more colors, so I treadled 1-8 with 4 different colors: from the bottom up it’s periwinkle, seafoam, medium blue, and silver. The first 3 are rayon, the last is silk.

testing 4 more weft colors

I decided the silver silk was the way to go. I got it woven, cut all three off the loom, and fringed the silver and gold last night. Today I washed them & got them dried. I had hoped to fringe the one with the navy weft this evening, but it’s already 9:40 and I haven’t begun, so it won’t be done tonight. I’ll show you all 3 when they’re all fringed, washed, dried, and pressed. Anyway, here’s what that silver one looked like from under the loom. Pretty great, huh?

red gradients with silver weft

As the snow started falling today I did manage to wind the warp for AM & HF’s baby wraps. I forgot to take a picture of the third bout, but here are the bright and cheerful crayola colors of their other 3 bouts: bleu moyen, mauve pale, and fushia.

bleu moyen warp

bleu moyen & mauve pale warp

fushia warp

Before I can get it on the loom tomorrow I have to do my thorough vacuuming — essential after every single warp. Sigh.

Plus I’ll have to decide if we had too much snow for me to shovel or if I can handle it. The latter is my preference; I strongly believe the more you do, the more you can do, the less you do, the less you can do. So I work my body appropriately. I’ve already shoveled my driveway 3 times this season, plus a really quick one this evening when there was only about an inch of snow so far. That may not seem like much to some, but my driveway is about 400′ long and has a large ‘landing area’ at the top. Good cardio and muscle work. Oddly, I’d rather shovel than vacuum. I just hate housework. Deep sigh.

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