
Pick one

I gave each of the three red-gradient shawls their hard press today, knowing in advance that this would be where I would decide which was best for a hands-on jury.

I think the gold silk weft is my favorite from a distance of 1-3′.

reds and gold shawl

Closer than that I think the beat looks a bit uneven. Worse, in the photo you can see a treadling error. So it’s out.

Next up for me is the silver silk weft. I like the contrast with the reds and the beat is nice and even.

red shawls with silver silk weft

Unfortunately there’s some kind of imperfection. I can’t figure out what caused it, but it’s really obvious up close. So it’s out, too.

imperfection in silver shawl

That leaves the navy rayon weft.

reds shawl with navy weft

Although I don’t think it’s the most photogenic, it has an even beat and no imperfections. That’s the one I’ll submit for hands-on jurying.

Thought you might like to see how different the two sides of this weaving look…this happens to be the gold weft.

both sides of shawl

Tobie asked for the draft of this pattern. Here’s a bit of it.
reds shawl draft

I thought I could upload and link to a wif file, but apparently I can’t. So if you want the full wif download, email me (peg at handwovenscarves dot com) and I’ll send it to you.

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