
Must be Santa

I’ve finished knitting the last of the toys for my grandson. He wanted a teeny, tiny Santa, and this guy isn’t as small as I’d like – about 6″. But I had a hard time finding a Santa pattern I liked so went with this one.

knit Santa

I wish I hadn’t used any eyelash yarn on his hat. For some reason my yarn showed much more eyelashes than the pattern, and you can hardly see Santa’s eyes. Oh, well.

Meanwhile, I’ve been weaving as I can in between preparing for the show this weekend and doing such fun things as balancing my checkbook & paying bills. 🙁 I like this shot of the ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ of JM’s wrap. The color on the bottom is quite good; as the fabric crosses the breast beam the light hit it too brightly and washed it out. But you can see the hearts are filled with warp (darker colors) on the cloth beam and weft (pale chambray) on the breast beam.

JM up & down on the loom

I worked my butt off today and finished weaving JM’s, getting just a few inches woven on AA’s with her melon weft. I need to be done for the evening & sit in a comfortable chair. I couldn’t get the colors good for this shot.

JM & AA's wefts

I don’t expect to get any weaving done tomorrow, instead doing things like laundry, vacuuming, dishes, packing a van, and setting up for a show.

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