
More Towels

twill towels

My order of yarn for the baby wraps was scheduled to arrive on Tuesday, but there was a problem and it didn’t come. I knew the box wouldn’t be in my hands until late in the afternoon on Wednesday, so decided I’d put a towel warp on the loom while I was waiting. I needed some light-colored towels since all the ones I’ve made recently have been relatively dark. So I measured 9 yards+ and warped up the counterbalance loom. I figured I’d likely have it beamed but not threaded by the time the baby wrap yarn arrived.

I was surprised that by the end of the day not only did I have the loom threaded, but I had 4 towels woven! Each is currently in a different color, although after #5 I’m going to do the last 5 with a white weft and different colored striped accents. I’ve decided I’ll weave off these towels before I start winding the baby wrap warp — I should be done by the middle of the day.

I’m making great progress at being prepared for my November & December shows.

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