
Inside & outside

I finished weaving KM & SB’s custom baby wraps today. With a cottolin warp for both and a cottolin weft for KM, the amount of lint under my loom was intense! Seemed to me to be far more than for cotton. If you look closely, you can see that the slits in my treadles are even filled with lint!

cottolin lint

My little Kenmore vacuum cleaner did a great job of sucking up all that lint. Then on to the sewing machine for hemming, then the washer & dryer. Next up is pressing & labeling. They’ll be ready to mail on Monday, for sure!

Yesterday I got the colors & quantities calculated & the ordered the yarn for 4 more custom wraps and 3 baby blankets – 1 custom and 2 not.

Today I remembered that I’m almost out of gift bags and needed to sew more before my next show, which is only a handful of weeks away. So I went to my stash of pillowcases and got a load of them washed & hung on the line to dry. I like this shot that’s more shadows of the pillowcases than the fabric itself.

pillowcases & shadows

You know, sometimes a simple question leads to a rather ‘duh’ moment. At least that happens for me. Ever since I started selling my weaving I’ve packaged each piece in a bag that I’ve made from repurposed pillowcases. I get 3 or 4 from a pillowcase, depending on the size of the pillowcase. Most of my customers comment positively on the bags.

I was talking to my sister recently and told her that the baby wraps don’t get a gift bag. “Why not?” she asked. “Because I’d have to make special ones that were big enough”, I answered. She said, “Why not just use a whole pillowcase? That’d be easy.” My reply was a long, “Ummmmm…” So I’m going to do that from now on. I don’t know what my moms will think of them, but I guess I’ll find out.

4 comments to Inside & outside

  • Lint, Lint, Bo Bint; Banana fana Fo Fint !~! That, my weaver-extraordinaire, is an incredible pile of lint. Thanks to the inventor of the vacuum cleaner; may I buy her an ice cream cone ?~!

    Love your blog and really enjoy what I learn from you and how inspiring it all is. Namaste.

  • Alma

    Don’t DUH moments make you stop and take stock of yourself?!?!

    I love pillowcases – I swear you could blindfold me, give me stacks of fabric to smell, and I could pick out the laundered pillowcases. And clean sheets are nice, but to me there’s nothing like laying your head on a spanky-clean pillowcase!!

    Good job!

    • Peg Cherre

      Interesting, Alma. Don’t know that I could tell the difference in the smell. But I do love sheets & pillowcases dried on the line infinitely more than those from the dryer. Fresh sheets from the line paired with fresh pajamas from the line – bedtime double win!

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