
Back to Babies

After some delays, I’ve finally been able to get back to weaving my custom baby wraps. As always, I started by winding the bouts on my warping mill. HR, the warp designer, created a beautiful flow, using 10 colors — more than any of my moms to date. With gradients between each, there are only narrow bands of solid color.

Using Maurice Brassard cotton, here’s bout 1, going from royal to bleu to peacock.
HR & YF - bout 1

Bout 2: peacock to vert pale to lilas.
HR & YF - bout 2

Bout 3: lilas to rose pale to fuschia to magenta.
HR & YF - bout 3
I had a bad moment, actually a bad few hours, with this bout. I had more than 80 threads wound & measured – close to 13 yards of each of those 80+ threads. Due to a bit of sloppiness in my paperwork, however, I’d inadvertently skipped over the rose pale completely, going directly from Lilas to fuschia.

OH NO! Fortunately I went back to my paperwork again before I started measuring out the next color and saw my mistake. I had to unwind those 1,000 yards of lilas & fuschia, carefully so as to not waste them, winding them on cones as I went. That took A LOT longer than winding it in the first place. Just like unweaving takes a lot longer than weaving. But I caught my mistake before it was too late and started again at the top of the bout with the lilas & rose pale before moving to the fuschia. Whew! Disaster averted.

And last: magenta to mauve pale to mauve fonce.
HR & Yf - bout 4

Here’s how the colors all play together. (The colors are pretty dull here, they’re richer in real life.)

HR & YF - threaded on the loom

I can’t wait to start weaving!

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