
Baby Boy Blankets

TBs blanket on the loom

Fighting a cold or some other bug, I’m working much more slowly than usual. Still, I got TB’s blanket beamed, threaded, and woven. I also did a ‘doh’ when I realized all I had to do to photograph the underside of a piece on the loom was to get a shot of the as it rolled on the cloth beam. Here you can see how differently the two sides of this 3-1 twill look. Just like your jeans, one side is much darker than the other. (The colors underneath are much truer.)
TB's blanket underneath

I’ve decided to weave a plaid blanket for my niece, who is having a boy, likely in the next 2-3 weeks. Shhhhh. Don’t tell her; it’s a surprise.

plaid blanket on loom

A bit ago I told you I’ve started using a live weight system for my Macomber. I really do like it. A lot. But the roll of heavy paper I’ve used for packing (to separate the layers of yarn on the beam) was somewhat problemmatic, getting in the way, requiring me to go futz with it regularly. I decided I’d try some bamboo blinds for packing, which I know Laura Fry & others use. I thought it would might work better.

bamboo packing

Packing dot yeah! I had to use my compound miter saw to cut off a few inches of width, but it’s soooooo much better. Why? Well, to start, it’s exactly the right width to work with the live weight system. My paper was only an inch or two wider, but that inch made a difference. More importantly, the bamboo sort of pools on the floor as it rolls off the beam, while the paper rolled into the back of the lamms & caused problems, or rolled under the weights and got all crinkly, or otherwise was not ideal.

Even better, the blinds are 6′ long. My roll of paper, on the other hand, is probably at least 40 yards long. (That’s just a guess, but I’ve packed 20 yards of warp with it and still had lots left.) It’s true that I have to have several blinds to pack a baby wrap warp of 13-14 yards, but I only have to handle one at a time. It’s also infinitely easier to get a 6′ blind started straight than a 40 yard roll of paper. And if I do get a blind started a bit crooked, I can fix the problem in only 6 feet. It’s really hard to straighten out a huge roll of paper without causing other problems.

I got a shipping notice for the backordered cotton, so as soon as I’m able to weave off this warp I can safely measure the warp for baby wraps for HR & YF.

4 comments to Baby Boy Blankets

  • Tobie

    I am intrigued by your warping method. Can you give me a few details?
    What is it called and where did you learn about it?
    I do have trouble beaming on by myself-hard to get the tension right on a wide warp.
    I have a Macomber also.

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks for visiting, Tobie. I had difficulty warping when I first starting weaving, too. I tried a variety of methods with varying degrees of success. Then, by visiting Laura Fry’s blog, I learned about the beauties of the warping valet. Visit her YouTube channel to learn more about this and other important weaving techniques. There are 31 posts about the warping valet on her blog, too. (I only have 5 posts that’ll come up if you search for valet on mine.) Her video, The Efficient Weaver, is brand new — I ordered mine yesterday, which was, I think, the first day it was available, so I don’t have it yet and am not sure if she includes the warping valet on it or not. Kati Reeder Meek’s book, Warp with a Trapeze & Dance with your Loom, is a wealth of info, too…Kati’s trapeze & Laura’s valet are two versions of the same concept. The important thing is one of Laura’s mantras, “A thread under tension is a thread under control.” Prior to my valet I did not achieve consistent tension while beaming.

      Good luck and let me know how else I can help!

  • Judy T

    Sweet! What a wonderful Aunt you are!

    • Peg Cherre

      Thanks, Judy. I’m sure I’ll get this blanket done before Lynn delivers. I’m about 80% done knitting the blanket, hoping that will be done, too.

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