

floating selvedge

I don’t want to say this too loudly and jinx it, but you see that floating selvedge on the right side of my warp? It’s the same thread I started with more than 220″ ago. For lots of people that’d be no big deal. But for me, as I reported recently, it’s huge.

It would appear that I figured out what I was doing wrong that broke that thread every 20″. I think I did that when I was weaving HR’s X-patterned baby wrap, since that needed two floating selvedges, too. YAY!!

As planned, I did get N’s wrap started yesterday, although only about 25″ worth. Here’s the end of AT’s & the beginning of N’s.

changing baby wrap from AT to N

N’s wrap has a marine weft. You can also see that I’ve started the weaving pattern in the opposite direction. I’d forgotten when I started A’s that this particular pattern is marginally easier to treadle ‘backwards,’ from treadle 9 to 1 then 3,2 as opposed to 1 to 9 then 2,3. Even marginal improvements help; if I save a few seconds every time I have to get those 3,2 or 2,3 treadles, overall it makes things move more quickly. After all, I have to make that foot-dance change (from treadle 9 to 2 or treadle 1 to 3) probably 500+ times in the wrap.

In reality, the efficiency may make at least as much of a difference in my mind as it does on the clock. I find that just as important.

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