
Nearing the end

center treadling, N's baby wrap

I simply can’t get the colors to be even close to real life. Must be those compact fluorescent bulbs I use. Doesn’t matter what my camera’s set at, the color’s off.

Anyway, N wanted me to change the treadling pattern for 2″ in the middle of her wrap. Not a problem. (Actually, AT did too, but I forgot to take a picture of hers.)

I’m making great progress…only 36″ left to weave on this warp of two custom baby wraps.

Fortunately, the repairman was able to fix a problem with my sewing machine quickly so I have it back to do the essential machine hemming on these wraps as soon as they’re off the loom.

I’m thinking that before I head into the next batch of baby wraps I’m going to put a towel warp on my counterbalance loom to have more dish towels for my upcoming local show. So many ideas, so little time….

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