
Finishing and Starting

The day was nice enough this morning for me to get some more outside work done. I spent about 3 hours outside yesterday, half of it weeding and half turning my compost. Or attempting to turn the compost.

The bottom half of my compost was frozen solid. Given the way my compost bin works (3 bins – fresh, mid-range, finished), I had to turn all of bin 1 from last year into bin 2 so that I could start re-filling bin 1 with all my fresh weeding work.

That involved a shovel – not too bad but not effective – and a pick-axe – lots of swinging, lots of energy. I got about half of the bin moved yesterday, and decided I needed to let it sit and the warm temps overnight and today do their work. Two short-ish work sessions today and it is done. Whew!

So then I took some pix of HR’s finished baby wrap on my porch with the overcast sky. The color is very good.

HR's finished baby wrap

Given all the Federal requirements, I had some custom weaving labels made. They’re quite nice….until I have to add the required model number & production date to them.

my baby wrap label

Still they’re about 1,000 times better than the ones I made on my computer. I do have a problem when the mom orders a cotolin weft, or a silk weft, since all my labels had to be the same, with a minimum order of 300 labels.

Anyway, it was time to start measuring the warp for AT & her friend. This warp has 8 colors – more than I’ve used in any other wraps so far.

The day was warm enough that I carried my warping mill outside to the porch. Seemed like a good idea. Hah! The wind was so strong that I couldn’t wait to finish up a color and carry everything back inside…I watched the top half of a tree near my pond snap off with the wind. YIKES!

Here’s bout 1 of AT’s wrap on the mill: colors from top to bottom are jeans, jeans & pale mauve (1 thread of each), and pale mauve.

AT's baby wrap, bout 1

Now pale mauve, cayenne & magenta (1 thread of each), and bright yellow & pale orange (1 thread of each).

AT's baby wrap, bout 2

Next up is the rest of bright yellow & pale orange (this shot is more accurate for the color), then turquoise & bright yellow (1 thread of each), & turquoise.

AT's baby wrap, bout 3

And finally, turquoise, peacock & turquoise (1 thread of each), and peacock.

AT's baby wrap, bout 4

By now the rain had come so I was back to taking indoor photos of HG’s finished wrap.

HG's finished baby wrap.

Whew! A busy day!

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